Do You Know How Many Calories in Wine?

Do You Know How Many Calories in Wine?

Have you ever wondered how many calories were in that glass of wine you sipped with last night’s meal? Whether you’re watching your waistline or simply curious, determining the number of calories in red wine isn’t always easy. 

Most wine bottles tell you the content of alcohol and not much else—especially not nutritional information like sugar content, calorie count, etc. If you’re ready to learn how to calculate the calories in a glass of red wine, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I will explain how many calories are in a glass of red wine, so you won’t have to wonder anymore. 

How Do You Calculate the Calories in Red Wine?

There is a fairly simple way to calculate the calories in your glass of red wine. Generally, red wine has 25 calories per ounce. A typical 5 oz glass of red wine at a restaurant would have around 125 calories. 

calories in wine

To calculate the number of calories in a glass of red wine, you need to know the wine’s alcohol content. You can find a red wine’s alcohol by volume (ABV) on the wine label on the bottle. Most dry table wines have an ABV between 11 and 14 percent. 

You can use the following formula to precisely estimate the calories in your glass of red wine: 

ABV x Ounces x 1.6 = Wine Calories. Thus, a 5 oz glass of red wine with an 11 percent ABV would have 88 calories. 

Where Do Calories in a Glass of Red Wine Come From? 

Alcohol contains seven calories per gram, nearly twice as many as carbohydrates, making it a significant source of calories in wine. Therefore, a glass of wine with an ABV of 14 percent will have more calories than a glass of wine with an ABV of 11 percent. 

Carbohydrates in the form of sugar also contribute to how many calories in a glass of red wine. Carbohydrates have four calories per gram, and an average red wine has around four carbohydrates per pour. If you reach for a dessert wine, the carbohydrate content jumps to 20 grams per pour. 

Do Low-Calorie Wines Exist?

There isn’t a significant caloric difference between low-calorie wines and regular wines. The alcohol content is the most critical factor when determining how many calories in wine. Many low calories wines are advertised as having 100 calories per 150 ml. However, many classic dry wines only have around 120 to 130 calories, which isn’t a substantial difference. 

Will Red Wine Make Me Gain Weight?

Anything you consume that has calories has the potential to cause weight gain, wine included; however, knowing how many calories in wine will allow you to plan the rest of your meal accordingly. If the glass of wine you have with dinner increases your daily calorie count, you could see an increase in the number on the scale.

calories in wine

It’s easy to overlook the calories in liquids such as wine, making it easier to consume more liquid calories than you would when eating solid foods. That glass of wine may also increase your cravings for salty and fatty foods. Be sure to consume red wine in moderation to avoid any undesired weight gain. 

Final Thoughts

There’s no reason enjoying a glass of wine at the end of a long day should derail your diet or cause you to gain weight. Knowing the alcohol content of the red wine you’re drinking is the easiest way to determine how many calories in wine. Carbohydrates in the form of sugar also contribute to red wine’s calorie count. When consumed in moderation, you can enjoy a glass of red wine without worrying about expanding your waistline.